"Stop and get across with a camera"

CityDream Shutter is a platformer with unique time-stopping mechanics. 

I collaborated with 2 other members to design this game. My duties included:
- Mechanic Design: I designed the core mechanics of the game.
- Level Design: I designed the first two levels of the game.
- Art Design: I designed and drew pictures for the first two levels of the game.
- Sound Effect Design: I selected the sound effects in the game.
- Programming: I programmed the entire project.
- Story Design: I designed the story and the animations in the game.

- UI/UX Design: I designed the UI and HUD in the game.

The time range in the walkthrough video: 0:0:0 - 0:9:25; 0:13:16 - 0:14:12

The Trailer of CityDream Shutter.

A Walkthrough Video of CityDream Shutter

Core Mechanics

Players can control a character and a camera viewfinder simultaneously.

The character can move left and right and can jump into the second level.
The camera viewfinder can move freely inside the screen. Players can control it to shoot a photo to: 
- stop any dynamic items inside the viewfinder; 
- change the size of the items inside the viewfinder; 
show invisible items inside the viewfinder. 

1st Level Design

The 1st level (tutorial level) teaches players about the basic movement of the character and the camera viewfinder. It introduces the first core mechanic of the camera to players.
2nd Level Design

The 2nd level (nature Level) allows characters to jump and needs players to utilize the first core mechanics to get across obstacles.

Inspired by the real camera viewfinder, I chose to display all information on a viewfinder like HUD.

To make the UI integrate into the game, I utilized the core mechanic 1 of the camera (stop object movements) to design the UI animation. Players would take a big photo of the whole screen to stop the game and call out the UI.
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